Juie Shetye, PhD

Juie Shetye Juie is the science lead for Dunn Solar Telescope. She handles all of the science-associated activities that go on at Sunspot. After finishing her bachelor’s and master’s in India, she went on to do a second master’s in Space Science at University College London, and a PhD in Physics at Queen’s University Belfast where she specialized in ground-based Solar Physics involving large scale telescopes.

The Dunn Solar Telescope is a special place to her since it was the first major telescope she worked on. That was in 2014, when she had the opportunity to work with the equipment and observe the surface of the sun, and look at solar flares and prominences. The experience was fascinating enough for her to want to return, which she did in 2021, as a professor at NMSU. Her favorite aspect is getting to collect and analyze data. Studying the sun is as exciting to her as a high-adrenaline sport such as chasing a storm.

Dr. Shetye has many hobbies outside of physics as well. She is an athlete, and is engaged in swimming, running, cycling and participating in triathlons. She has two dogs, Waldo and Simba, and loves to spend time training with them. She has also recently got into painting, and her works are displayed in different places in the US and internationally. Dr. Shetye loves looking at her surroundings to identify patterns in her environment. When asked how she would describe Sunspot to a stranger she says, “If you want to touch the sun, come to Sunspot!”